Sunday, January 18, 2009

At 14 months

Chubby is now happily reached 14 months. He know know how to command us for things he wants. If we feed him food and he wants it again, he will point his finger to it. If we put him on a mattress and as him to sleep, he will lay his body on that mattress showing that he can listen and discern what we wanted to convey to him.
He can walk steadily 10-20 steps before he stumble and walk again. It is kinda funny to see him walk like a drunken cat.hehehe...and tiring I need to walk with him incase he falled face down.Its time to mould him and train him with rotan. But he doesnt seems to be pertubed by this. Gossh...need to be more strict with my chubby, but mommy always said 'so kesian my little B'.........Muacks to my little Chubby