Thursday, September 24, 2009

2 is not enough!






Wife keeps on saying 2 is enough! I bet if you were me with 2 boys, sure you will be craving for a daughter right? As they said human plan , GOD decide!

I was glad that my big chubby recovered from the viral fever that hit him recently. It took him like almost 1 1/2 weeks to recuperate. He is now back to his norm where he will become mischevious, prankish, playing tricks, cheeky, throwing tantrums and lots more that Dennis The Menace does..hahaha. He is now almost 1 year 11 months

Small chubby is experiencing some runny nose. I suspect he is teething as his saliva is drooling and keep on sucking/eating his finger. Maybe I should apply some honey on his fingers though. We weighed him last 2 weeks and he is now 9.6kg which is obviously the size of a 1 year old dude when small chubby is only 5 months old.Hahah..way to go but we won't put him on diet though. I believe his weight will be leveraged out by his height and his BMI wont be out of range.

With all these recent H1N1 influenze pandemic that hits us, I would pray for a healthy up-growing for my kids and my families!


p/s: Above is some of the pictures captured when I took them to park during the Raya holiday.