Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Marcus a.ka. Chubby Chub

My chubby is now past 16 months. That makes him a toddler now. He can understand what we tell and sometimes oblige on our words. He will follow what we says and mostly in uttered in 2 words

Vocabulary accomplishment

Didi - utter this when he saw his brother sleeping in playpen or babies
Baby - he pronounced as beh-bi
Kut Kut - water
Mama- learned this from his favorite cartoon My Neighbor Totoro

The most funny part is he saw an advertisement of a slimming centre that shows a fat lady and he keeps on saying Mommy, Mommy, Mommy....hahahaha...he also say the same thing when he saw magazines with advertisement with fat lady.....kids really don't tell lies....wuhahahaha...(can't stop laughing)

My wife told me that my chubby is a born entertainer who likes to make people laugh and make them happy with his cheeky attitude.

I have 2 son...I still wants a daughter....maybe I should plan now???...

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